miss angela's miscellany

Monday, March 14, 2005

Sexy - I don't think so!!

There's nothing like an ageing, football loving, Tartan wearing, spiky haired Rock star, to make me call for the sick bag.
I understand that Rod Stewart is worth £100 million, ergo his attraction for young 'models'. Quite frankly, the thought of Tonight being the Night with Roadrunner lookalike Rod, turns my stomach.
I grant you in the 70s and 80s he recorded a few good tunes, but temper that with a gaggle of scarves aloft geriatrics swaying to the strains of Sailing and Rod the Mod is bound to come up wanting.
Why is it, that as these guys get older, they think that being able to wear skin tight trousers and waggle their pelvises gives them the right to abandon Rock/Pop and butcher well loved standards. Even Frank Sinatra retired gracefully in the end.
Maggie May must be well over a hundred by now and I'll bet that Rod never kept in touch with her, though he owes her so much.
There is nothing quite as pervy and repulsive as a short wrinkly old guy trying to look younger by sporting a tall and leggy dumb blonde, with hair even bigger and blonder than his, on his arm. I guess they think he's sexy - i certainly don't!!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Oscar, schmoscar!!

Clint Eastwood gets right up my nose. and what kind of a name is Clint, anyway. I quite liked him when he was Rowdy Yates in Rawhide, heading 'em up and moving 'em out all those years ago, but he did have that rather horrid facial mole. Now he is the ultimate American luvvie, lauded for making it onto the podium, looking like a stiff that's been at the embalming fluid. - the high colour in the cheeks, the little peewee herman bow tie. He is just gruesome. the sight of him grasping not one, but two Oscars made me puke. Surrounded by his little coterie of other oddly named people, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman and his million year old mother he looked like the nodding dog in the back of the car. And all the while, the real talent, Martin Scorsese, sitting quietly in the row behind, knowing that Hollywood politics were going to rule him out yet again. I hope when they give Marty the sorry we forgot you lifetime acheivement Oscar next year, he won't turn up. Can you imagine being beaten to Best Director by Dances with wolves? So where is Kevin Costner now? Did Imelda Staunton really think she had a chance, or Mike Leigh for a film about abortion. The Oscars are still about old Hollywood, I am surprised that Methuselah impressionist Kirk Douglas wasn't wheeled out for something or other.Still there's always next year, when more talentless hams will tread the red carpet and more worthless people will collect their 8 and a half inches and thank everyone from their mother to the man who emptied their garbage before they were famous. Give me a break!!